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KWS Security

KWS Security Ltd is a Wellingborough-based company, specialising in delivering effective security services to fulfill all your needs.

We are proud to protect the assets and business premises of our clients and deliver the highest standard of service for every client. Our team understands the individual requirements of each business. From small industrial units to large corporations with multiple locations, we provide the security services that are needed to keep your business and assets safe.

KWS Security undertakes all necessary risk assessments to ensure all security operations comply with the requirements of all relevant Acts. Our Auditor who is doing the risk assessments is fully trained and meets standards of the following professional standards institutions:

KWS Security provides dogs that are under control and we also ensure that appropriate warning signs are erected and visible at the site entrances. We also undertake site surveys to identify where additional signage is required and arranges for the provision of that signage.

With both handler and dog working as a team, you get dual benefits of a trained security guard and a highly trained security dog which brings the visual and vocal deterrent with improved hearing abilities and sense of smell to detect intruders and indicate to the handler that there is a threat.

Our dog handlers and dogs will patrol your site throughout their shift to continuously inspect the site for unwanted visitors and maintain a visual deterrent to intruders who may be intending on targeting your site.